Have you ever thought about how, In our obsession to remain young and youthful, we do a grave disservice to our young ones?

I was listening to the incredible Clarissa Pinkola Estes today speaking about how allowing ourselves to be weathered by the winter by the storm by travail builds us into a wise person, a large and fruitful tree under which the younger ones can take shelter and learn.

It made me think about how our youth are affected by the elders, hanging on to innocence and youth and busyness. It leaves them without the natural process of being guided by wisdom.

We blame the young ones and technology for how much sadness, depression and lostness there is amongst our youth today, but I wonder how much of this has been contributed by the elders obsession with youth?. I wonder how different it would be if our young ones had the surety and stability of the elders being still, stable, available and willing to share the scars of their life, which have become wisdom instead of shaving them away to appear youthful still.