Does your sadness overwhelm you?
Mine has.
It often starts as a gnawing irritation at the back of my mind; my initial response is to distract myself with busyness.
When this doesn’t work, I usually avoid it or override it with pleasures such as chocolate (but it’s raw and organic, so that doesn’t count as bad, right!?)
Next usually comes unexplained mini outbursts of anger or frustration – often at my unsuspecting spouse in the form of a tirade about him leaving his socks out (although by now, you’d think he would be more suspecting!)
Then, finally, if I haven’t already caught it. The overwhelm finally takes hold and I remember my decades of practice and training and I will sit with myself, cry my eyes out, write it all out and let myself meet the dark, scary sad parts of myself and my life.
It’s usually hard and not very nice.
It’s usually confronting, and it can stick around for a little while.
But its always the only thing that inevitably softens my heart to the point of opening again and eventually letting in the crack of sunshine, it is the thing that always eventually opens my eyes again to the beauty in the moment. And then the pathway back to joy and gratitude begins. Sometimes it is work, too, but at least now I can see the way.
Thankfully, nowadays, this process is usually not too long. And I even catch it at the first phase sometimes!
But there were times in my life when I was stuck in the pain and heartache of avoiding my sadness.
Those times taught me how to listen and hold this painful but wise teacher and follow its guidance to healing and wholeness all the way back to joy.
And this is why I am fully equipped to help you to do it too.
If you are feeling the winter around you and possibly inside you too, I invite you to take time in nature where the divine love is most easily reflected and, listen to your sadness, let it speak to you.
Please reach out if you would like someone to help you through this time and guide you to hear your healing and return to thriving wholeness.
Oceans of love