Are we going to find that thing that completes us?

Are we going to find that thing that completes us?

Let’s face it, almost all of us have or have had the belief That somehow we are going to find that thing that completes us. That answers all Of the questions and in it, we won’t feel doubt or scared or unsure. We won’t feel anxiety or boredom. Where we will feel like...
How to change those nasty love patterns

How to change those nasty love patterns

This is in response to the questions from yesterday’s post. About how we can have some destructive love and attraction patterns that are insidiously propagating themselves just like the cold virus!! Especially for you Nicole newton x...
On twin flames or soul mates

On twin flames or soul mates

Some people feel that they are in a relationship a twin flame because they are always being challenged and this is a way to evolve. Some people believe that it is only with a twin flame that we are able to have profound spiritual and sexual connection. This is my...