Did you know about the three big rites of passage that women go through? Puberty, pregnancy/postpartum and perimenopause all have similar hormonal changes and almost identical accompanying physical challenges.
Brain fog, moodiness, temperature regulation, and sleep challenges, to name a few.
But puberty and motherhood are so celebrated that the physical hurdles are overshadowed by the joy surrounding this transition time.
Perimenopause, conversely, has been seen as the END of something and approached with disdain.
What if it were celebrated and seen as another new beginning? If we had an honouring process, a community that celebrates the changing into wisdom hood. Where we have less insecurities, more generosity of heart, a more resounding belly laugh, and the capacity to help guide others through the tricky terrain of life. The time to look back on what we have achieved, the maturity to make good choices and the capacity to give less F-%^s about the stuff that doesn’t matter?
Perhaps then we could celebrate this time just like our past, traditional cultures have done.
Maybe we wouldn’t feel so alone, perhaps the shame would be lifted, and our bodies wouldn’t carry so much heaviness, and we could open our arms to this beautiful time of life and feel honoured to be joining the club with the other Queens of wisdom
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