Let’s talk about the popular and erroneous belief that if you say that you want something, it will put you in lack and stop you from getting it. I used to believe this, too, and it is easy to be convinced of it as true because the pseudo-science behind it makes sense. It works on the idea that the ‘energy’ or ‘state’ that you are in will bring you more of the same. The idea is that if you FEEL wealthy, you will attract wealth, and if you feel loved and fulfilled, you will attract that. At the same time, if you feel you WANT or NEED something, you will only attract more wanting and needing. But two huge mistakes in this thinking are probably why you aren’t getting what you want. 1. It’s the state, not the words. You can say, ‘I want more love’ while feeling depressed and like it’s never going to happen and you don’t deserve it. Or you can say, ‘I want more love’ with the enthusiasm and expectation of a child on Christmas Eve, which is the state of excitement at the belief you will get it. Too many people on a self-development journey focus on the words and are led to believe they ‘should’ say. ‘ I already have the love I want, But in doing so, their intelligence is being insulted, and what they believe really is ‘this is BS!’ and therefore, it is NOT the state to receive. 2. God is not an ass! The best way I have yet found to describe God or Source accurately is that of an unconditionally loving parent waiting to hear your every wish and give it to you. The only time a loving parent doesn’t give their child what they want is when they know it would be bad for you (even then, sometimes we can’t help but say yes!!) So, saying to your unconditionally loving divine parent that you WANT love, money, peace, and healing will have that Divine loving parent showering it upon you, so get excited. God is not going to be an ass and say, ‘Hmm, that child of mine is using the wrong word’. God sees your heart; if it is open and willing to receive, you will be showered with the greatest gifts you could ever imagine. This is great news! |